Ardakh Nurgaz. The Stone Well

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--- for my mother


Mary, in her twilight years

was fetching water

at the dim stone well


this was the vast desert

where a breeze resembled a scorching fire

filling the month with desolation


years, like endless sands

quietness, like the snowflakes that fall on the sea


whether it's retainable or not

then the solitude


on the steaming desert

appeared a figure

gradually fixed, approaching


it's that face

that shed a strange smile

on an eternal day


the heart, suddenly shocked and dazed

the clean water that spilled out of the wooden pail

was sucked dry by the sand like blood


when she woke up, for the moment

she believed that everything was illusory

although she firmly believed that

she had seen her own son

for the first time as for the last time:



by accident

the true features hidden inside herself


Written in Kazakh by Ardakh Nurgaz

                                                           Translated into Chinese by Gulnar Akhan

                                                           Translated from the Chinese by Ouyang Yu



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