Ardakh Nurgaz. Jerusalem

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Time has disappeared in the clock

Life trembling

Between momentary fear and eternity

Or in the air

No, not right!

On board the public bus, someone above and someone below

He tears open the mask of Death

A drop of blood, drifting off, like a snow flake

The smoke grenade of winter hitting home

The death of a small life

Leads to the termination of another

On a street where dead souls, alive, are roaming

No regret sounds

That rushes towards the abyss century

On TV screen

There are all those yowling who have squandered yesterday

And those featureless faces of tomorrow

Sad songs of broken heart pieces, like tears dripping from the stone

You, too, holding your breath

Watch the darkness on the screen

An element of the 6 billion silent, drowned by the dark

The fly that flies following its own sound

Hits the mirror

And changes its direction

In a world, momentarily suspended

The dream, suddenly waking up in surprise

Crashes into the fate like a rock


                                         Translated from the Chinese by Ouyang Yu

                                         Translated into Chinese by Gulnar Akhan

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