Emily Dickinson. Hope is the Thing with Feathers There's a certain Slant of light, Winter Afternoons -- 2023/02/25 00:14:07
Andre Breton. Freedom of Love My wife with the hair of a wood fire With the thoughts of heat lightning 2023/02/19 21:10:51
Samuel Coleridge. Kubla Khan In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree: Where Alph, the sacrecl river, ran 2023/02/19 21:02:44
Hans Magnus Enzensberger. A Song For Those Who Know Something must be done right away that much we know 2023/02/15 21:40:43
C.P.Cavafy. I'Ve Brought To Art I sit in a mood of reverie. I've brought to Art desires and sensations: 2023/01/28 22:36:55
Earliest Traces of Heidegger in Celan’s Works A few days after completing his reading of Wrong Paths Celan turned to a 1947 edition of the thinker’s Letter on Humanism and, according to dates he entered in the text, read it on August 21 and 23, 1953. 2023/01/23 22:51:30
Eleni Coundouriotis. Materialism, the Uncanny, and History in Toni Morrison and Salman Rushdie “Unreality is the only weapon with which reality can be smashed, so that it may subsequently be reconstructed.” 2023/01/19 23:49:18
Giorgos Seferis. 16 Haiku Spill into the lake but a drop of wine and the sun vanishes. 2023/01/01 03:03:43
Yuriy Serebriansky. Barysh* There used to be a shooting range in the district center of Barysh. 2022/12/14 16:50:04
Jane Hirshfield. The Decision There is a moment before a shape hardens, a color sets. 2022/12/13 18:01:57
Joseph Brodsky. Elegyfor John Donne John Donne has sunk in sleep...All things beside are sleeping too: walls, bed, and floor-all sleep. 2022/11/27 16:16:51
Tomas Tranströmer. Haiku The power lines stretched across the kingdom of frost north of all music. 2022/11/03 19:20:31
Robert Lowell. For the Union Dead The old South Boston Aquarium stands in a Sahara of snow now. Its broken windows are boarded. 2022/10/02 17:08:59
Fernando Pessoa. TOBACCO SHOP I’m nothing. I’ll always be nothing. I can’t even wish to be something. 2022/09/01 15:31:06
Harold Bloom. The Most Influential Poem Written In English In Our Century The Waste Land is an American self-elegy masking as a mythological romance, a romantic crisis poem pretending to be an exercise in Christian Irony. 2022/08/11 22:10:59